

Munendra Gupta

  • Login: Munendra
  • Registered on: 04/18/2022
  • Last connection: 03/03/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 3 0 3
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
training Developer 04/18/2022



03:14 AM training 1.00 hour (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
#4368: analysis of backOffice Munendra Gupta


09:18 AM training 3.50 hours (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
Worked on design join page for responsive for customer type brand customer and add route for sidenav bar Munendra Gupta


09:09 AM training 5.00 hours (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
#3840: Worked on Issue the for convert doc to html and binding the user details for html page Munendra Gupta


08:58 AM training 9.00 hours (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
#3847: Fixed Issue and the for convert html to pdf and show the pdf in the pdf viewer Munendra Gupta
08:56 AM training 9.00 hours (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
#3847: Convert the html to pdf and bind the data Munendra Gupta
08:55 AM training 4.50 hours (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
#3847: R&d for retated issue and the for convert doc to html and binding the user details for html page Munendra Gupta
08:54 AM training 8.00 hours (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
#5347: Purium remove the queryparam itemcode in the url Munendra Gupta


08:45 AM training 6.50 hours (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
Worked on enroll smart order bind the retail price and check calculate order functionality Munendra Gupta


10:57 PM training 3.00 hours (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
#5347: Purium remove the queryparam itemcode in the url Munendra Gupta
10:53 PM training 9.00 hours (Training #954 (Closed): Project Task- Rain)
#5347: Purium remove the queryparam itemcode in the url Munendra Gupta

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