

Arpita Singh

  • Login: Arpita
  • Registered on: 01/02/2023
  • Last connection: 07/21/2023


open closed Total
Assigned issues 2 0 2
Reported issues 0 0 0


Project Roles Registered on
training Developer 01/02/2023



09:33 AM training 9.00 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
solved the scroll issue of proposal page and worked on the design of report page and added the app detail pop up on c... Arpita Singh


09:39 AM training 9.00 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
fixed the scroll issue in table in mobile view and updated on stage and worked on the detail component in bbm project Arpita Singh


09:41 AM training 9.00 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
solved the scroll issue of mobile view in table and edited the subtitle on tracking url Arpita Singh


09:36 AM training 9.00 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
working on scroll issue of mobile view in table Arpita Singh


09:31 AM training 8.50 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
Resolved the Sort Errors in Monthly Report and working on the font issue of graph on dashboard Arpita Singh


09:32 AM training 7.00 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
working on optIn page and worked on scroll issue of exigo event logs Arpita Singh


09:33 AM training 7.50 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
worked on the update cost per number color and updated on the stage and live and R&D on the font issue of the graph ... Arpita Singh


09:41 AM training 9.00 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
working on print feature on view report Arpita Singh


09:34 AM training 9.00 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
working on print feature on view report and adjust the column of exigo api logs Arpita Singh


09:32 AM training 9.00 hours (Support #967 (Closed): Angular training )
added search bar on api log event dropdown and fixed the date issue in ds-recent-sent component Arpita Singh

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