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Hours: 46024.55

Project Date User Activity Issue Comment Hours
training 03/28/2025 Shubham Sharma Development Training #1532: Project Knowledge Transfer - Ecommerce Ziplingo scrum meeting and fun friday activity. 1.00 Actions
training 03/28/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1594: Training and understanding of billable projects Common sense Testing with Some different scenario's and bug solve and also testing on avini health flow and checkout pages. 9.00 Actions
training 03/27/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1594: Training and understanding of billable projects Common sense Testing and bug solve on frontend 7.00 Actions
training 03/26/2025 prakash suthar Research Training #1587: Training for prompt engineering and course completion Training Prompt Eng. 4.00 Actions
training 03/25/2025 prakash suthar Development Training #1587: Training for prompt engineering and course completion basic of prompt engineering. 1.00 Actions
training 03/25/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1594: Training and understanding of billable projects Avini Health care project flow Understand and Testing the different-different scenarios and solve the bug sheet. and also make a bug sheet for common sense and tested the different-different scenarios. 9.00 Actions
training 03/24/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1594: Training and understanding of billable projects Code flow understand, Solve the Bugs on bugsheet and Tested the Different-different Scenarios Regarding the flow, 9.00 Actions
training 03/21/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1594: Training and understanding of billable projects Avini Health care project flow Understand, find tha bugs and solve it 9.00 Actions
training 03/20/2025 Shubham Sharma Development Training #1597: Pillars Ecommerce - Code understanding and bug fixes Client: ziplingo, Project: Commonsense, Details: Tested the complete flow. reviewed the issue when refresing the autoship edit page then autoship id was changing so tried to resolve it. Reviewed and resolved the issue when payment methods were not showing of customer on checkout page. Tried to solve the issue when select any existing payment method and place order then api was giving error of 401.tested autoship edit page multiple times to find issue with the data binding and calculateCustomerOrder api and update autoship api. 4.50 Actions
training 03/20/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1594: Training and understanding of billable projects Avini Health care project flow and debug tha bugs and solve it. 9.00 Actions
training 03/13/2025 Shubham Sharma Development Training #1532: Project Knowledge Transfer - Ecommerce Ziplingo scrum meeting. 0.50 Actions
training 03/12/2025 Shubham Sharma Development Training #1532: Project Knowledge Transfer - Ecommerce Ziplingo Scrum meeting, tried to resolve issue with 1101 free gift card quantity on the review page. 1.00 Actions
training 03/11/2025 Shubham Sharma Development Training #1532: Project Knowledge Transfer - Ecommerce Ziplingo Checked complete flow to work.applied functionality and tested many times.scrum meeting and tested task recieved on group and also updated on the group. 3.50 Actions
training 03/10/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1569: Unified Messing Knowledge Transfer 1. checked the Recent-sent Message details page for reports open and correct it, 2. Percentage correction on both files 3. whats app issue understand All are fixes and solve 9.00 Actions
training 03/07/2025 Unnayan Sharma Development Training #1582: WordPress training ticket Checked the API implantation of the well collective, what will be a request and response of the API's and what will be a mandatory fields, which we checked on his "Create Lead & Free Customer Accounts" custom js of send-it-academy-course & checked how we implement them and checked pillars api . 3.00 Actions
training 03/07/2025 Rohit Kumawat trainee Development Training #1579: WordPress and Shopify training review the woo Commerce functionality, review the themes and plugins, trying to edit the footer content for well collective, trying to find pillar plugin in and it's functionality, create customer on wordpress anc check it on pillars, review and added validation on shopify files structure, setup shopify locally, get code locally. 7.50 Actions
training 03/07/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1569: Unified Messing Knowledge Transfer Learn .Net and understand the working of code editor and Global Header Footer Ticket. 9.00 Actions
training 03/06/2025 Unnayan Sharma Development Training #1582: WordPress training ticket Checked the order syncing process with the team, discuss with them on this process, checked out the other clients for it, try to resoliving the issues with that and shared the details with the team. 2.50 Actions
training 03/06/2025 Rohit Kumawat trainee Development Training #1579: WordPress and Shopify training review the woo Commerce functionality, review the themes and plugins, added the email validation pillars api to check the functionality on wordpress custom js section, understand the Project functionality and flow, investigated the issue of id, understand the functionality to work with wordpress with custom js. 7.00 Actions
training 03/06/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1569: Unified Messing Knowledge Transfer Understand the code base Frontend and Backend and learn the basic fundamental and working of .net core. 9.00 Actions
training 03/05/2025 Unnayan Sharma Development Training #1582: WordPress training ticket Discuss with the team about the wordpress enrollment form updates, checked the id related issues with them, designed the ui for it and try some html & js updates for resolving the issues. 2.00 Actions
training 03/05/2025 Rohit Kumawat trainee Development Training #1579: WordPress and Shopify training understanding the wordpress project structure, review the wordpress functionality and flow, review custom js integration scetion, review the custom components and fields, review the editor functionality with js, css, and html for custom work, added custom js, finding a way to add products in cart and show dynamic content with products packs, show summary of products, binding prices dynamically. 7.00 Actions
training 03/05/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1569: Unified Messing Knowledge Transfer 1. project KT by yashdeep. 2. Understand the code bases for stage and distributer. 9.00 Actions
training 03/04/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1569: Unified Messing Knowledge Transfer 1. Distributor project KT by yashdeep frontend and backend . 2. solve Tickets #7801, #7802 , #7803 3. Global Header and Footer bug solve and Mobile Number local storage issue solve 9.00 Actions
training 03/03/2025 Arbaz hussain Development Training #1569: Unified Messing Knowledge Transfer 1. Debug the error of multiple language issue. 2. Integration of button on agent profile. 9.00 Actions
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