


Feature #683

wordpress setup and discussion with jaishiv regarding projects and work flow

Added by Karishma Tak about 4 years ago. Updated 9 months ago.

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Updated by Jaishiv Goyal about 4 years ago

1. #683 : Download and Installed SQL server.
2. #683 : Download and Installed visual editor.
3. #683 : Configure Xampp setup on local server.
4. #683 : Had a discussion with Shalendra Kumar regarding project Work Flow.
5. #683 : Worked on project plan and checked task with @shalendra.


Updated by Jaishiv Goyal about 4 years ago

1. #683 : Had a Discussion with Shalendra Kumar regarding project workflow.
2. #683 : Worked on Clover Internal project workflow.
3. #683 : Guide him regarding work flow and trained about it.


Updated by Jaishiv Goyal about 4 years ago

1. #683 : Had a Discussion with @shalendra.
2. #683 : Work with Shalendra Kumar on wordpress project.
3. #683 : Discussion for work flow and provided and checked task.
4. #683 : Guide him regarding work flow and trained about it.
5. #683 : Worked on Clover Internal project workflow.


Updated by Jaishiv Goyal about 4 years ago

1. #683 : Discuss with Shalendra Kumar regarding All project.
2. #683 : Provide all project work flow and process.
3. #683 : Discussion regrading laravel composer issue and checked it.
4. #683 : Worked on handover all project's and server details.


Updated by Jaishiv Goyal about 4 years ago

1. #683 : Had a Discussion with @shalendra.
2. #683 : Work with Shalendra Kumar on wordpress project.
3. #683 : Discussion for work flow and provided and checked task.
4. #683 : Guide him regarding work flow and trained about it.
5. #683 : Worked on Clover Internal project workflow.


Updated by Jaishiv Goyal about 4 years ago

1. #683 : Had a Discussion with @shalendra.
2. #683 : Work with Shalendra Kumar on the WordPress project.
3. #683 : Discussion for workflow and provided and checked task.
4. #683 : Guide him regarding workflow and train about it.
5. #683 : Worked on Clover Internal project workflow.


Updated by Jaishiv Goyal about 4 years ago

1. #683 : Discussion with Shalendra Kumar regarding ProjectFlow.
2. #683 : Verified pixel software blog on live site.
3. #683 : Verified Clover Internal blog on live site.
4. #683 : Worked on Laravel Setup and working on local.
5. #683 : Checked Wordpress updates and learned about it.


Updated by Karishma Tak 9 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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