


Training #296

Angular training

Added by Karishma Tak over 5 years ago. Updated 9 months ago.

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Angular JS Training Including Common Web and Other required technologies

1. Training Course

Time: 140 Hours including practice hours

Hours Breakup 90 Hours
HTML : 10 Hours
CSS: 10 Hours
Javascript/Jquery: 10 Hours
Common Web Technology and terminology: 20 Hours


Updated by Karishma Tak over 5 years ago

  • Tracker changed from Bug to Training

Updated by Yogesh Bagri over 5 years ago

Learn html,css, js and bootstrap4 basics.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri over 5 years ago

practice bootstrap,used bootstrap classes,created navigation bar and table and task using bootstrap.learn JSON basics.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri over 5 years ago

practiced jquery selectors,events,effects,jquery html,traversing and jquery ajax with examples.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri over 5 years ago

learn basics of angularJS,life cycle,expression,modules,directives,model,data binding(two way binding) and controllers with example.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

learn & practice scopes.filters,services(creating services),http object,angularJS events,directives(ng-repeat,ng-if,ng-options,ng-show,ng-hide),scope and root scope,form&input state,css classes with examples.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

studied online course on angularJS as per the ticket #296,learn dependency injection,watchers & digest cycle/loop and ngRoute.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

studied online course on angularJS as per the ticket #296.Study about:
1. $scope, $apply, $watch, $digest, $scope vs $rootScope
2. $timeout, setTimeout, SetInterval
3. $q service, promise, function callback
4. Filters, Services, factories, Providers


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

studied online course on angularJS as per the ticket #296.practice custom filters and created 3 custom filters & callback function.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

implemented datetimepicker in bootstrap with about $routeprovider and $stateprovider and directive properties.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

  • % Done changed from 0 to 60

study about factories, value, constant, value v/s constant, providers,routing and study online course on angularJS as per the ticket #296.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

  • % Done changed from 60 to 70

studied online course on angularJS as per training ticket #296.created a weather forecast single page application in angularJS.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

study about components in angular, difference between controller & directive,communication between directives.Practice stateProvider and created weather forecast application in angularJS.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Practice callbacks, promise, $q service and $http service.studied about ngDirectives,difference between ng-if and ng-show/ng-hide.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

practice ng functions,ng directives and study about form validation in angularJS.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Done a task using bootstrap modal and custom directive and bootstrap table.Study about form state and input state in angularJS.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

done a task using directive,isolated scope,forms.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Study about $broadcast, $emit, $on, practice form validation in angularJS.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Study and implement localstorage in angularJS, ngStorage,$localstorage. practice form validation in angularJS.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Study scss variables,nesting,@import,@mixin,@extend,sass functions.Study about node.js and gruntjs.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Study and implement gruntjs in a project.Study about angularJS Material(buttons,chips,checkboxes).


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Study about $translateProvider,value and constant,decorators,study some code and flow of enrollment.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Study about exports() vs module.exports().Study about structure of angular application and enrollment code and flow.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

learned code , flow and functioning of some pages in enrollment.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Understand enrollment code ,flow and functioning of some pages.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Review enrollment code and understand the functionality.Created a new page and implement own code.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

  • % Done changed from 70 to 80

Review enrollment code and functionality of some pages.Created a new page and display data through apicall.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Review enrollment code and created a new page and display data through API call.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Review & understand enrollment code,display data through apicalls and work on assigned task.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Understand the functiontity and code of enrollment.Completed the assigned task.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

-Understand the functionality and code of enrollment.
-Study about the uses of local storage,session storage and cookies in angularJS.
-Study about ngCookies and ngStorage.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Review Enrollment code and study about run and config block in angularJS.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Review Enrollment Code and work on the given task.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Review Enrollment code and done a task on enrollment page.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Done a task on query string parameters in which item is passed through query string and added to cart when the page loads and changing in query string values reflects the changes to cart.Review Enrollment Code.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

understand code and functionality of validate directive in enrollment.Study about preventDefault() and stopPropagation().


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Understand code and flow of fraud detector.done a task in fraud detector.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Understand the code of fraud detector- dashboard page and login page,user service, loader service and toast service.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Understand the functionality and code of some pages in fraud detector project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Understand code and flow of merchant profile,Edit merchant, rule information and api calling in fraud detector.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Review Fraud Detector Code and done two assigned tasks.
- disable all the dates before current date.
- show merchant data in dialog box.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Understand the functionality and code of retail shop and study about angular material flex.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Review Retail shop code and done a task.Study array and collection functions in underscore.js.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

done a task in enrollment to Bind data in drop-down lists through API calling.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Done a task to Add shipping method functionality in enrollment. Review Retail Shop code.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

done a task to add country flags in drop-down list before country name and add country language and flag in market selector.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

done task in edit shipping address screen in office-
-Allow only China for country selection in drop-down.
-set Zip code is not required.
-bind state city and area on basis of country(china).


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

done task on validation for kanji characters and work on sidenav in retailshop.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

done task to design sidenav in retailshop.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

done a task to create two filters in angularjs:-

1. Formatize digits like this - if "85214796305.5" - then "8,521,479,635.50"
2. Remove space from String - if "Tes t i ng" - then "Testing"
3. ui changes in sidenav


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Study about state change events - stateChangeStart, stateChangeSuccess, stateChangeError.
done a task to prevent state going to checkout page.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Design a form using angularjs material and apply validation using ngMessage and store form data to local storage.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

done some UI changes and resolve issues related to validation in form.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

study about angularjs flex and layout and make form responsive


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

work on a task in web scrapper to highlight the change data in view batch details.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

apply some UI changes in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Done a task in batch report in property scrapper project to highlight the changed data and show popup on highlighted data.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

apply UI changes in web scrapper project related to popup, icon and navigation title and change pop up design.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Study basic concepts of angular including file architecture,components,data binding,*ngIf,*ngFor.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Learn ngModule and its properties, directives and pipes in angular.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Done some UI changes in web Scrap report, add new columns,make drop down select multiple in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Design a new page company list and add drop-down, input,search button with table having column company name,address, created date and view.After clicking on the view the full company detail will be shown.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Done some UI changes in company list page and bind company list data through api calling in table and apply tool tip to ellipsis text in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Done UI changes in company bot history and company list and bind data in table through api calling in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

work in company bot history and company list to bind data in table accordingly and multiple selection in company list in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

Done UI changes in company bot history and show view buton for new and delete status in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri about 5 years ago

Work on company list and company bot history page and done ui changes in the pages.Redirect the page through company list popup to batchdetail view in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Added batch column in company bot history,redirected to batchdetailview.
Done drop down responsive in company list and company bot history.
make changes in table layout on small devices.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Remove the white space in the loader in company list and company bot history.
done the table responsive for all device in company pages.
done the address list responsive for all devices.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

property scrapper project-
set flex for web scrap report and bot run history page.
how popup on total records icon.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Fix the update batch detail view popup and company detail popup in mobile view in property scrapper project


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Add status column in total records in company bot history.
make the clickable links highlight.
change the popup title according to status in company bot history.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

change the batchDetailView popup title when redirected from company list page in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

property scrapper project:-

Change the view batch detail page title according to company list and company bot page.
change the model popup title according to status.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

property scrapper project:-
Apply regular expression for address zip code and phone number in batch detail view popup.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Set website url regex and compare old and new url and set flex for batch detail view popup.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Fix the popup header in all pages and fix paginator in view bot batch report page in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

fix view batch detail popup in company bot page and use services instead of flag to change the page title and popptitle.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Property Scrapper Project:-
Created a title service to change page title and popup title in company bot history and company list page.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

property scrapper project:-
Implement the title service in company list and company bot history page to change the title and popup title in batch detail and batch detail view page.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Read angular documentation.change the bottom border and right border colour in email list in property scrapper project.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Study about dependency injection(Injectable()) and resolution modifiers- Skip(),Optional(),Host(),SkipSelf() in angular.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Covid19-IRM project:-
work on binding data in profile page and edit profile page through userdetail api.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

add disable api to disable button and add import contact button and some ui changes.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Learn concepts of angular 8:-
Typescript- types, classes, interfaces, fetch, async & await, spread operator.
angular module and decorators.


Updated by Yogesh Bagri almost 5 years ago

Angular 8:-
1.View Encapsulation:-Emulated,native,none,shadowdom
2.@component metadata properties


Updated by Karishma Tak 9 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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