


Training #958

AWS Devops training

Added by Pariniti Sharma over 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

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% Done:


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Updated by Pariniti Sharma over 2 years ago

  • Subject changed from Devops training to AWS Devops training

Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav about 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/17/2022 to 10/13/2022

connect with support of google work space unable to billing and try some methods for billing = 3 hrs
Aws Elastic beanstalk health gone red api falling issue connect with aws chat support and do some use full methods = 5 hrs
Meeting with Anirudh sir = 30 min
Meeting with rohit sir = 30 min


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav about 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/13/2022 to 10/14/2022

contact to google workspace support center and find some information regarding billing issue = 1 hrs
checking elastic beanstalk health and check logs contact with aws support = 2 hrs
Check rds data-base cpu type and its pricing (usages and memory allocation ) = 1 hrs
Learn about docker and install on windows machine connect with wsl ubuntu . create a docker image and container using python ad run locally machine . = 5 hrs


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav about 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/14/2022 to 10/15/2022

handle some error in Healthyhome live pipeline and run it = 1 hour
handle live pipeline , site not responding = 1 hour
Create s3 bucket and cloudFront for paymenture in aws and create jenkins pipeline in ziplingo server = 7 hour


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav about 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/15/2022 to 10/17/2022

Creating S3 bucket, cloudFront and Elastic Beanstalk or deploy it on jenkins (creating CI/CD pipeline ).


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav about 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/17/2022 to 10/20/2022

Create apache + ubuntu server and deploy .
Install all dependencies on it and ready to live .
Create a s3 bucket and give it to yashdeep .
Working on apjpro ios side apple Id login issue .


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav about 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/20/2022 to 10/21/2022

finding the solution for data base connecting with old server data base and shift its UI to new server )
Made some changes on ubuntu server for smoothly run site.
Monitoring apjpro live server (cpu uses goes high and not responding)


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav about 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/21/2022 to 10/22/2022

Fix the issue scroller view didn't work . (Images not loading on gellary view).
Create a build and share it to live app store.
Monitory the apjpro server .
trying to connect one database to another database


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav almost 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/22/2022 to 10/28/2022

Connect code to database from local and document db.


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav almost 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/28/2022 to 10/27/2022

GEt data from wsi server to local computer and push to document db using s3 bucket .
Deploy some pipeline on jenkins


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav almost 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/27/2022 to 10/26/2022

Create vpn tunnel using vpc from aws to gcp for pursuing data from Teamlink server .
learn about dms (data base migration services)
Deploy jenkins pipeline


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav almost 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 10/26/2022 to 05/01/2023

Trying to connect teamlink code to db and document db
Deploying pipeline on jenkins
Monitoring Eb and cheaking health


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav almost 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 05/01/2023 to 05/02/2023

Deploying jenkins job
Handle elastic beanstalk health and re deploying there code
find out the reason of health issue on eb
Create new eb and deploy live environment


Updated by Bhavya Vaishnav almost 2 years ago

  • Start date changed from 05/02/2023 to 05/03/2023

Crete a ui server and deploy apjpro stage on it.
Crete database server for dealzapp and attech it to ui stage server .
Upload images folder in s3 bucket from server
Create a EB and deploy code on it
Deploying jenkins pipeline


Updated by riya jain over 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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