Training #957
Angular Training
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
i have continued my learning in angular using udemy and other platforms and have learned about ngmodel, ngif, ngfor, ngclass, ngstyle.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
worked on angular using udemy course and documentation, reached section 6 in course with practice project.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
worked on learning angular directives built-in and components interaction as in parent to child data transfer and child to parent data transfer and about component life cycle methods which are built in.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
working on angular documentation and Udemy course thoroughly and practice project along with the video tutorials currently practicing on angular routing services injection pipes.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
Continued training on angular and angular material for UI and angular concepts life cycle methods as well as routing and observe able concepts.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
working on angular routing, observe-able, lifecycle components @viewchild, @contentChild, services directives @self, @skipself & forms and angular material documentation along with practice project.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
working on angular material and practice project with angular front end
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
working on practice project Crud application along with angular concepts.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
revisiting course from beginning for complete understanding and practice project continue.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
worked on angular concepts and course revisit and task given by Mr. Anshu sir on UI for angular table crud app, i have made read, create from dummy api http get and post request.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
worked on practice task given by Mr. Anshu sir and Mr. Rohit sir on angular along with angular routing and flex layout concepts.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
worked on practice task given by Mr. Anshu sir on reactive forms
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
worked on flexlayout responsive UI along with Rxjs operators and practice tasks given by manager.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
worked on task given by manager on puruium User interface, commited on github, practice project along with rxjs and flex layout for responsive layout
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
Worked on puruim task given by Mr. Anshu sir -> US Landing Pages > Opt in to text and email and practice project and testing.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
Worked on angular refresher on old concepts such as string interpolation, property binding, event binding, @input @output event emitter, lifecycle hooks, pipes, inbuilt directives, reactive forms, template forms, @view child, @content child, ng-content, ng-container, ng-template & rxjs operators.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
Worked on Discreet UI of home component according to given theme as reference and commited on github new branch
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
Worked on Discreet UI contact page component header component and commited.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
worked on header joining login footer and other various components of DS common sense assigned by Mr. Rohit sir. #3612 ticket on ziplingo
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
worked on commonsense DS UI based on XD theme reference. and fixed bugs
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
Worked on #3612 ticket for common sense and resolved issues.
Updated by Utkarsh Gupta over 2 years ago
#3612 ziplingo task common sense finalization of theme and functionality and bug fixes in base theme as well as common sense past week and started shopify tutorials today.