Training #51
Angular Training
Angular JS Training Including Common Web and Other required technologies
1. Training Course
Time : 140 Hours including practice hours
Hours Breakup 90 Hours
HTML : 10 Hours
CSS : 10 Hours
Javascript/Jquery : 10 Hours
Common Web Technology and terminology : 20 Hours
Updated by Karishma Tak almost 6 years ago
Hi Rakshita@
please update your task's details in description box instead of mention in comment section.
please keep in mind from next time.
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
I read about AngularJS topics with practise programs:
1. Form Validation
2. Filters
3. Custom Filters
4. Route Provider
5. State Provider
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
I read about next topics of AngularJS which are-
1. Mouse Events
2. Key Events
3. Factory v/s Service v/s Provider
4. Local & Session Storage
Also create a demo project of "Employee Management" in which
1. We add multiple employee's information like Name, Father's Name, Designation, DOB, Email, Phone Number in local storage.
2. Show all the added employees information from local storage.
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
Today I read about next topics of AngularJS which are-
1. Isolate Scope
2. Scope - true/false
3. BindToController
4. ControllerAs
5. Compile & Pre-link, Post-link function
6. Cookies
Also add some more functionality in yesterday demo project of "Employee Management" --
1. Delete Particular Employee Data and immediately update local storage
2. View single Employee data in dialog box
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
1. Add "Edit" functionality in Demo Employee Management Project.
2. Create a new demo project related to $q & Promise - resolve functionality. (still working)
Also today I read about
1. Introduction to Asynchronous & Callbacks
2. What is Promise
3. $q service
4. Rejected, Resolved & notify in Promise
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
1. Create a new demo project related to $q & Promise - resolve functionality(Done).
2. Perform all the input validations in Employee Management demo project.
3. In md-tab, try to change tab on button click (running).
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
1. Create a demo project in that 4 cases covered related to bindToController
a. Simple two-way binding
b. Isolated Scope w/o bindToController
c. bindToController with attribute sharing
d. bindToController with same scope
2. Create a demo project for promise resolve via
a. $q
b. $http
c. $resource
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
1. Learn about Components in AngularJS.
2. Create a custom filters -
a. To remove comma from String
b. Truncate decimal digits (Upto 2 digits)
c. Return Date in mmdd format
3. Create a design in material AngularJS in which on image hover text and background changes.
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
1. Create a design in material AngularJS in which on image hover overlay come with animation.
2. Solve errors of form validation & On Reset button disable ng-message validation.
3. In Angular Material Design, tab change on button click successfully done.
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
1. Solve Errors of Edit Functionality, Instead of another edit Page, Show data on "Add" Page.
2. Apply date filter on entire table column.
3. Show selected column + Order By Filter on button click. (Running).
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
worked on a table, on which on button click three filter applies -
1. Multiple Selected Status with checkbox.
2. Selected table's column.
3. Selected column Ascending / Descending Order.
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
1. Apply filter on every Column on button click
2. Arrow change of Column Heading as column Filter done Ascending or descending
3. In Multiple Selected Checkbox give one more option of All and set functionality for all option
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
1. Apply Bootstrap Multi Select for more than one checkbox
2. Apply filter based on the value of selected checkbox
3. Also apply filter condition-wise when all or none checkbox selected.
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
1. Read about ng-blur and revision of Service, Factory and Provider.
2. Work on Design Issues of Employee Manager Project -
a. Story Page
b. View Logs Page
Updated by Rakshita Paliwal almost 6 years ago
I worked on "Employee Manager" Project Design Issues -
1. Employee Log List Page
2. View Log Hours Page
3. Story & Task Page
Updated by Common User over 5 years ago
Rakshita Paliwal Paliwal
1. Implement notification service and use in Report Section
2. Solve all bugs of Report Section mentioned by QA