Training #402
RPMS module code
RPMS Project
1.Create GetSchedulePayOutBatchDetails api
2.update name GetScheduleTransaction api to TriggerTransaction
3. create Getcompany api for get companydetail
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 10
i reviewed the home and business module of cs2 project and make clone of the project and debug it.
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
1. Review the CS2 project's business module, orders module, setting module and their sub modules of all modules documentation at yesterday (13-04-2020)
2. clone the project from git-hub and setup the code on my machine at yesterday (13-04-2020)
3. Custom notification of back-office document, debug code (API) and get understanding of projects flow(design pattern) at today( 14-04-2020)
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 10 to 50
reviewed the code of backoffice and api work flow and gone thorugh order module, setting module and understand the swagger API tool.
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 50 to 70
reviewed the code of customer API's and comapny API's with Report center API's.
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
1. Code debugging of CS2 API project and project's understanding continue.( 15-04-2020) only 2 Hours
2. Understanding and working on "Shipping Manager's project" ( 15-04-2020) Remaining Time (7 Hours)
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
debug the basecore api project and check the flow of the project .
created Two API's for the company detail and employess,
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
1. Create a demo plugin(SmartShyp) for "Shipping Manager's project"( 16-04-2020) Remaining Time
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
1. I worked on plugin(SmartShyp) for "Shipping Manager's project"( 17-04-2020)
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
1. I continue worked on plugin(SmartShyp) for "Shipping Manager's project"( 20-04-2020)
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 04/06/2020 to 04/20/2020
Worked on information API's of COVID19IRM Project and deployed the on git.
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
I worked on plugin(SmartShyp) for "Shipping Manager's project"( 20-04-2020) continue and push project on github
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
I worked on saveconsent api and getconsenthistory and some changes in other api's and push code on github
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
I worked on plugin(SmartShyp) for "Shipping Manager's project" continue with marge the new plugin in exist project.
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 04/20/2020 to 04/22/2020
Worked on these three api's
1. GetVisitorConsentHistory
2. SaveConsentInspection
3. SaveVisitorConcent
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
Implement new plugin(SmartShyp) in Exist "Shipping Manager Project" and debug it.
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
Worked on Three API's
1: Getinformation
2: SaveINformation
3: GetconcentHistory
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 04/22/2020 to 04/23/2020
Akshay Jain wrote:
Worked on Three API's
1: Getinformation
2: SaveINformation
3: GetconcentHistory
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Start date changed from 04/23/2020 to 04/24/2020
worked on SaveInformation,Getinformation,SaveVisitorConsent,GetConsentHistory API made some changes and push them on git.
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
Worked on plugin(SmartShyp) and review "Shipping Manager Project"
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 04/24/2020 to 04/25/2020
1. save visitor consent
2. get Visitor consent history
3. 2 common apis (get media types and get information type)
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
Worked on two api's and checked issues reported by mobile team
1. GetTodayNotice
2. PasswordReset
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
Worked on plugin(SmartShyp) and review "Shipping Manager Project" continue.
Updated by Jitendra Jain almost 5 years ago
Research and development on authorization signature for SmartShyp api
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
1.Worked on CreateuserFromExcel API and push code on Git
Updated by Abhishek Jain almost 5 years ago
Wakaya Perfection: In this read about it's policy and procedures.
C2 Modules: In this I read about this module some of the points which I covered today in this as:
2. Team DashBoard
3. Visual Tree
4. Report Center
5. Know about API's name which are used in this.
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
Worked on two API's
1. ForegetPassword
2. ResetPasswordByOTP
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Worked on Three API's
1. Implemented SendGrid in ForgotPassword
2. Make changes in PasswordResetByOTP
3. Created a new API DisableUSer
Updated by Abhishek Jain almost 5 years ago
I reviewd the under Business tab as like:
Report Center
Commission Pay History
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
Worked On Three API's
Updated by Abhishek Jain almost 5 years ago
I reviewed the CS2 Module in which I understand the logic behind order tab and action under this tab as like
1.Place an order
2. Manage Autoship
3. Party Dashboard
4. Order History
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
Worked on the issues Reported by Mobile Team and deploy them on Git and tested verified them by mobile team.
Updated by Akshay Jain almost 5 years ago
worked on two API's
Updated by Dolly Malu almost 5 years ago
- Subject changed from Take kt of Cs2 module in back office to RPMS module code
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Abhishek Jain almost 5 years ago
I reviewed the some tabs of cs2 module as like
4.Some core widgets under specific tab
Updated by Abhishek Jain almost 5 years ago
I reviewed and understand the cs2 module tabs as like
1. Core Widgets 2. Custom Widgets 3. Custom Pages 4. Admin CS1 Pages etc.
Updated by Abhishek Jain almost 5 years ago
I reviewed the some module of it as
Page-configuration and modules under this tab
Web office configuration
Updated by Abhishek Jain almost 5 years ago
I reviewed the pending modules of cs2 module document