Training #236
Flutter Training
Learn flutter from online resources.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
Learned Flutter Basics.
Learned Designing UI.
Learned Basics of Dart Programming.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 40 to 50
#Designed some simple Layouts with Flutter.
#Learned Basics of Dart Programming.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Understood Flutter.
#Understood Classes and Functions of Dart Programming.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#followed the given syllabus of course 'Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps'
#learned material designs,Widget Tree,Building Layouts.
#done some practicals also, on Building layouts.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#followed the given syllabus of course 'Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps'
#learned about widget Styling,Combining Multiple Widgets into a screen
#Handling TextField Inputs
#Learned Custom Classes, Cards, TextField, Stateful Widgets
#Made a Simple Profile Page UI.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Learned ListView-ListTile, GridView.
#Learned TabBar
#Done Practical on ListView and ListTile with using Card.
#Went through Modal Bottom List,Navigation Drawer and Tab Layout.
#followed the given syllabus of course 'Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps'
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Learned TabController, Modal Bottom Sheet, Navigation Drawer,FloatingIconButton.
#Done Practical on defined in #1.
#Went through "working with Data Models"
#followed the given syllabus of course 'Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps'
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Understood Working with Forms & User Inputs.
#Understood Validations and Managing Form Inputs.
#Understood the Concepts of Mixin, Providers
#Navigation,passing data to another screen.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Done Practical on Form with their validations.
#Managing Form Input Focus.
#Multiline Inputs and Disposing Objects.
#Image Inputs and Image Preview
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Drawing Form with Proper Validations (Task)
#Read about TextEditingController.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Learned Adding Logic, Mapping the Data into Widgets, Fetching User Inputs, Learned Connecting Widgets & Managing Data with building the real app example
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Learned Using Native Device Features(Camera,Maps,Location,...)
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#practical Using Camera.
#Capturing Image with Camera and Gallery and Displaying Image Preview.
#some practical Using Location(finding Location,saving ImageofMap).
#Understood the concept of SQLite(Creating Table, Inserting elements into that table).
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Done practicals Using SQLite.
#Performed Asynchronous Function.
#Used Create,Insert,Update,Delete Queries.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Created a UI like WhatsApp (Task).
#Learned and created a 'Demo Web Application' using Flutter (Task).
#Learned Adding Splash Screen & Icons to App.
#Understood sending Http Requests.
#Understood some of the Animation Part.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Learned Animations.
#Slivers(animation),Tween Animation, Spring Animation,Manually and System Controlled Animation
#Learned Http (Sending Requests,Handling Errors).
#Learned User Authentication (Login,Signup,Handling Errors).
#Some part of Shared Preferences.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#learned Shared Preferences.
#Practiced with Authentication(sign up & Login).
#Worked on a given UI (Task).
#Firebase Setup.
#learned Loading Screen(Progress Bar).
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#completed authentication(SignUp & Login).
#worked on Create Form (Task).
#Learned Named Routes in Navigations.
#worked on FitKit(plugin to use read health data)
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#worked on FitKit(fetched the health data).
#worked on Scanner animation on image(Task).
#Integrated Flutter app with Firebase(Read data from the firebase).
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Built a chat app with Flutter and Firebase.(Task)
#Understood the logic behind movement of data between app and firebase.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Understood Firebase Messaging.
#Created on a Form with Validation (Task).
#Little worked on creating a Card (Task).
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Created a Card (Task).
#Created a Model Class (Task).
#Learned Parsing JSON Data Locally.
#Learned Flip_Card Animation.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Listed Features of an Application(Task).
#Practiced on Facebook Login.
#Understood working of REST API, fetching data from on network JSON.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Built an example app using REST API.
#Created a Nested Model Class(task).
#Created CupertinoSegmentedControl Tab(task).
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Tested OIDDS.
#Fixed some Errors.
#Prepared Check-in button on Instructor Confirmed Programs.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Implemented Checkin feature on OIDDS for fetching Program's Location Coordinates (Latitude, Longitude) .
#Understood the flow of data through API and model classes in OIDDS.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#worked on creating dynamic checkIn and checkOut Button of OIDDS.
#worked for displaying time when clicking on checkIn and checkOut buttons.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Worked on UI that displays the Accepted/Rejected/Pending IDP.
#Worked on fixing following issues with OIDDS-
#user login >> Create IDP >> fill all fields >> remove start and end date >> mandatory validation is not appearing for these fields.
#user login >> Create IDP >> Start Date should not be allowed to enter date smaller then End Date.
#user login >> Create Education >> fill all fields >> remove start and end date >> mandatory validation is appearing for these fields.
#admin login >> Program >> Add Program >> Start Date should not be allowed to enter date smaller then End Date.
#worked for Setting Prefixed Date Values in IDP,Program and Education form
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Designed UI and worked on Terminate, Cancel and Deliver Buttons of Program List of OIDDS.
#worked on fixing issues with OIDDS.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#worked on Instructor Tabs (Approved, Pending, All)
#worked on SetProgramStatus With UI (Delivered, Cancel, Terminated) by calling the implemented API.
#worked on setting and formatting UI of Login screen and User Screen .
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Created a UI of Login Screen for OIDDS.
#Created a UI of Register Screen for OIDDS.
#Created a UI of Forgot Password for OIDDS.
#Created Cards of Dashboard Screen for OIDDS.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#worked on to modifying Dashboard Screen.
#worked on setting image header on UserScreen and Home Screen.
#worked on setting and formatting UI.
#Understood concept of Pagination in Flutter
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#understood Flutter Calender Carousel.
#understood Flutter class Date Range Picker.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 5 years ago
#Learned about Image Slider/Carousel Slider.
#Learned about Spinbar Loading Indicators.
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
#Learned flowing of data through JSON and model classes in project OIDDS.
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
#read about hosting flutter app using firebase.
#read about Transform widgets.
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
#read about sliders, Range Slider.
#firebase Storage.
#articles about flutter on
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
#looked for some restaurent food ordering apps on web.
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
#looked on net for Digital Menu Restaurant and tested their demo app.
#flutter PageView
#flutter WebView
#flutter for desktop app
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
#looked on net for Digital Menu Restaurant and tested their demo app.
#tried to create certificate on server.
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
#tried to generate certificate on Server.
#Added keys and values into Localization place/file.
#Tested Teamlink app and prepared a word document report.
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
#List Sorting.
#Searching item from a list.
#Tried to generate Certificate.
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
- % Done changed from 50 to 60
#Writing custom platform-specific code.
#Flutter Cookbook.
#Flutter Widget Catalog.
#Writing document for new app.
Updated by Kunal Jangid about 5 years ago
#Creating document for Restaurant app.
#Swipe to dismiss with UNDO function.
#FadeInImage with Placeholder
#Playing video
Updated by Kunal Jangid almost 5 years ago
#Today's Consent UI (2 hr)
#Various UI fixing (spacing around the application, background color of the app, notice board UI)
Updated by Kunal Jangid almost 5 years ago
#Testing the App.(2hr)
#Fixed Folllowing Issues -(3 hr)
- Fixed Login Screen Logo.
- Bottom padding on Add Member Dialog!
- Close icon color on Add Member Dialog!
- After Changing password > Message should be "Your password has been updated" instead of "Your new password is update".
- Bottom Sheet Corner Radius.
- Some other UI Fixes.
#Check Consent Details UI and Setting the Data onto it.(4 hrs)
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 4 years ago
#Learning Node.js
#Node.js Introduction
#Introduction and steps to Basic code of web based program.
#REPL (Read Eval Print and Loop)
#NPM (Node.js Package Manager)
#Node.js Assertion Testing
#Node.js Callbacks
#Some Example and practice.
Updated by Kunal Jangid over 4 years ago
#Fixed error which was crashing emulator(Transparent display).