Training #234
Understand of DS Projects
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
1. Disco Project (Project Review)
2. Cloud Spark (Code Review)
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Review & Functionality Cloud-spark Code With Debugging
Understanding the Functionality with Different Associative ID
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Review & Flow of Cloud-spark code using Database Access & with different functionalities given by Raj Kumar Sir.
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
CS2 & Disco API Code Review along with database.
Get Wakaya Associates Data for Analysis purpose task given by mahaveer sir
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Access Truvision Associates & Commision Data for Analysis Puporse & make .CSV report
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
TruVision Associates & Commision data Completely Along With Order types & StatusID for Data Analysis. Task given by:- Mahveer Sir
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
CS2 project API along with Dependency & In Truvision Get Commission Data Month wise for Analysis Purpose.
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Make Query for data Access of Truvision along with all the associates with monthwise separatly with enroll member in month
enroll member by team.
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Make Query for Truvision Associates Data & Check inside Disco Project how they get Tree data in Enrollment Tree :- Task (Mahaveer Sir)
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
1. Review Cs2 API with Database for Understanding the Dependency & flow of project :- Rajkumar Sir
2. Check query for Truvision Data(EnrollerID Match with Distributor monthwise & report to Dharmendra) for analysis purpose :- Task given by (Mahaveer Sir)
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
1. Code Review of CS2 Api & Disco Api with Dependencies
2. Task (Given by Rajkumar Sir):- Need disco request & Response for Newu Enrollment.
3. Ticket (#199648) :- Working on Ticket & resolve Issues with Rajkumar Sir.
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Task (Given by Rajkumar Sir) :- Review Ticket #199247
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Task (Given by Rajkumar Sir):-Verify Issues Ticket #197510
Task (Given by Mahaveer Sir):- Review Ticket #188496
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Task(Given by: Mahaveer Sir) :-Review & Verify Ticket 188496 Squire Tax Issue
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Task (Given by Ashutosh Sir):- Working On Ticket #201570 & Investigate the Issues
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Date :-27-11-2019
Task (given by : Ashutosh Sir):-CS2 - Working on #201570 for the Kynet & Xnd Client
Task (given by Rajkumar Sir) :- Verify ValidateAddress API & checking with Disco Api.
Task (given by Mahaveer Sir) :- Verify GetAutoOrders API & Check Shippment not display in Widget.
Date :-28-11-2019
Task (given by Rajkumar Sir) :- Review Ticket 199850 & make requirement for Servicelog Add in ItemDetail
Updated by Jeet Shrivastava over 5 years ago
Task (given by Rajkumar Sir) :- Working On Disco API - Working on Log functionality add in "ItemDetail"
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 11/04/2019 to 12/03/2019
1. Reviewing the project.
2. Understanding Swagger.
3. Hitting API.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/03/2019 to 12/04/2019
1. Understanding and learning Dependency injections in CS2.
2. Hitting API in CS2 API project and understanding the dependencies.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/04/2019 to 12/05/2019
1. Collecting request, response and parameters by debugging the API in CS2 project.
2. Understanding of stored procedures dependencies and usage in the CS2 project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/05/2019 to 12/06/2019
1. Understanding LAT settings.
2. Getting knowledge of CorpAdmin Admin API
3. Difference between Disco and Exigo.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/06/2019 to 12/09/2019
Understanding admin panel of Direct-scale dev.
Exploring enrolment site for Direct-scale dev.
Newu site api functionality follow up.
Getting knowledge for corp-admin.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/09/2019 to 12/10/2019
1. Check Request and Response from Disco Api in CorpAdmin to see the resultant output.
2. Check exception log and grab their request and check in CS2 code.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/10/2019 to 12/11/2019
1. Check widgets request and response data on the office site from the database for CS2 project.
2. Check functional dependency of Disco and Exigo on CS2 API project
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/11/2019 to 12/12/2019
1. Check database dependency of Notification API for OND project.
2. Check functional dependency of Community API in Wakaya site.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/12/2019 to 12/13/2019
1. Check functioning of Auto-Ship Module in Wakaya for CS2 project.
2. Check Report Center module SOAP request and response data on the office site for CS2 project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/13/2019 to 12/16/2019
1. Check functionality of DirectScale portal.
2. Request and respone from disco Api through corpAdmin portal using Dagger tool.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/16/2019 to 12/17/2019
1. Investigated regarding additional functionality of fetching data from image in web scrapping project.
2. Performed some changed in the Company API in Property Scrapper project.
3. Hitting API in web scrapper project to see request and response.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/17/2019 to 12/18/2019
1. Understanding the Retails projects of Direct Scale.
2. Check the functionality of the code implement in the retail projects.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/18/2019 to 12/19/2019
1. Check functionality of Corp-Admin for wakaya and newu.
2. Understanding the Admin site settings for wakaya and newu.
3. Check enrollment site for newu and understanding the workflow.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/19/2019 to 12/20/2019
1. Added aditional functionality in Webscrapping project for image text reterival
2. Rectified company API in Webscrapping project for excel data output.
3. Understanding Retails Shop database and stored procedure usage and its dependencies.
4. Check disco API dependencies with request and response in newu and wakaya.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/20/2019 to 12/23/2019
1. Enhancing the additional functionality which was added in property scrapper for data retrieval from images for more accurate results.
2. Added a functionality of sending emails from API to admin whenever the address of the company is changed in Company API in Property
3. Updated web-scrap 2 API in property scrapper project for update.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/23/2019 to 12/24/2019
1. Adding constraints to the property scrapper for specific field update.
2. Studing online course for c# and .net mvc as per training ticket #297
3. Added aditional parameters in company API for Searching.
4. Added custom mail template in company API for mail notification to Admin.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/24/2019 to 12/26/2019
1. Studying online course for c# and .net mvc as per training ticket #297
2. Rectified stored procedure for company API in Property Scrapper.
3. Investigated for adding export pdf file functionality in company API.
Updated by Ankur Yadav over 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/26/2019 to 12/27/2019
1. Adding export pdf file functionality in company API in property scrapper.
2. Desigining pdf template which is to be use with company API.
3. Pdf export functionality partially added in webscrap2 API property scrapper.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/27/2019 to 12/30/2019
1. Working on property scrapper pdf export functionality filters in webscrap2 API.
2. Studying online course as per training ticket #297.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/30/2019 to 12/31/2019
1. Investigated delay in download of pdf file in webscrap2 API.
2. Studying online course as per training ticket #297.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 12/31/2019 to 01/01/2020
1. Studying course for .net mvc as per training ticket #297.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/01/2020 to 01/02/2020
1. Investigating for new API creation for google and facebook authetication in WishYou Api
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/02/2020 to 01/03/2020
1. Adding new functionality for google and Facebook authentication in wish you API Ticket #277.
2. Rectified upcoming notification in events controller.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/03/2020 to 01/06/2020
1. Adding Facebook authentication functionality in Wish-you project for Authenticate API.
2. Updated event controller for upcoming events remainder.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/06/2020 to 01/07/2020
1. Studying course for .net MVC as per training ticket #297.
2. Worked on image path issue in Facebook and google login.
3. Rectified image upload issue in Wish you project for account controller.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/07/2020 to 01/08/2020
1. Studying Udmey Online course for .net MVC core as per training ticket #297.
2. Working on web-scrap crawler functionality in property scrapper project.
3. Investigated image upload issue in Wish you project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/08/2020 to 01/09/2020
1. Working on AWS image upload functionality for wish you project in account API
2. Investigating google and facebook login issue in wish you project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/09/2020 to 01/10/2020
1. Work on google and facebook authentication modification in wish you project.
2. Studing Udmey Online course for .net mvc core as per training ticket #297.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/10/2020 to 01/16/2020
1. Studing Udmey Online course for .net mvc core as per training ticket #297.
2. Worked on image upload functionality in wish you project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/16/2020 to 01/17/2020
1. Perfecting image upload functionality in wish you project.
2. Overviewing the online coures for c# and mvc core .net
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/17/2020 to 01/20/2020
1. Over-viewing the online course for c# and mvc core .net and
learning new course for neural network.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/20/2020 to 01/22/2020
1. Working on new product API for wish you project.
2. Perfecting Facebook login integration in wish you project.
3. Investigating image upload and fetch functionality bugs for wish you.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/22/2020 to 01/23/2020
1. Working on new product api for wishyou project ticket #320
2. Perfecting image upload functionality in wish you.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/23/2020 to 01/24/2020
MVC Practical implementation (ticket #297) of :-
1. Shared Views
2. URL Routing
3. Entity Framework Db-First Approach
4. Service Pattern & Repository Pattern
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/24/2020 to 01/27/2020
Core Practical implementation (ticket #297) :-
1. HTTP, HTTP Status Codes, HTTP Methods, HTTP Headers.
2. Request Object.
3. Layout Views with Bootstrap.
4. Database-First (vs) Code-First (vs) Model-First Approach.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/27/2020 to 01/28/2020
.Net Practical implementation (ticket #297) :-
1. Code-First Approach.
2.Automatic Code-First Migrations.
3. Performing Code-First Migrations Manually.
4. Understanding Area and Creating Admin Area.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/28/2020 to 01/29/2020
Practical implementation (ticket #297) :-
1. Razor Code Blocks.
2. Understanding Default Routing.
3. Custom Model Binder.
4. Custom Validation.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/29/2020 to 01/30/2020
Modified token expiration period for wishyou.
Practical implementation (ticket #297) :-
1. Calling Stored Procedures using EF.
2. Navigation Properties.
3. Paging.
4. IExceptionFIlter and Logging.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/30/2020 to 01/31/2020
MVC core practical implementation (ticket #297) :-
1. Dependency Injection.
2. State Management
3. Bundling and Minification
4. WebApi and AJAX
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 01/31/2020 to 02/03/2020
MVC core practical implementation (ticket #297) :-
1. Client Side Validations using jQuery.
2. Customizing Error Messages.
3. IAuthenticationFilter.
4. Filter Overrides.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/03/2020 to 02/04/2020
Practical implementation (ticket #297) :-
1. Custom Snippets.
2. Cryptography in C#.
3. Collection tree.
4. Generic Delegates.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/04/2020 to 02/05/2020
Practical implementation (ticket #297) :-
1. Lambda Expressions.
2. Events.
3. Expression-bodied Members.
4. Serialization and Deserialization.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/05/2020 to 02/06/2020
C# Practical implementation (ticket #297) :-
1. Destructors.
2. Multithreading.
3. Concurrent Collections (ConcurrentBag).
4. Pattern Matching.
Investigating facebook login changes in wish you project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
Perfect CRM Changes :-
1. Advance limit set during user create.
2. Add attachment option with + icon for adding multiple files for every expense during adding expense.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/06/2020 to 02/10/2020
Today's task :-
perfect CRM:-
-Add attachment option with + icon for adding multiple files for every expense during adding expense.
-Export to Excel option in Expense report
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/10/2020 to 02/11/2020
Today's task :-
- Google authentication issue rectification in wish you project.
- Investigating Banner image issue in wish you project.
- Adding multiple images option for billing in perfect crm project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/11/2020 to 02/12/2020
Today's task :-
- Adding multiple images functionality for billing in perfect crm project.graph option in expense report for perfect crm. export excel report functonality for expense report
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/12/2020 to 02/14/2020
-Add attachment option with + icon for adding multiple files for every expense during adding expense.
-graph option for ExpenseReport
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/14/2020 to 02/17/2020
Rectifying graph functionality in perfect crm.
C# mvc Practical implementation (ticket #297).
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/17/2020 to 02/19/2020
Perfecting perfect crm in reference to the image upload functionality.
C# mvc Practical implementation (ticket #297).
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
Practical implementation :-
-TempData - Keep and Peek Methods
-Tag Helpers
-View Components
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/19/2020 to 02/20/2020
Practical implementation :-
-TempData - Keep and Peek Methods
-Tag Helpers
-View Components
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/20/2020 to 02/21/2020
C# Practical implementation :-
-Ref Return or Ref Local.
-IEnumerable and IEnumerator
-Azure Functions
-LINQ Method Syntax
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
C# Practical implementation :-
-Sorting Data Using LINQ.
-LINQ Query Syntax.
-LINQ Queries with Methods
-Nullable Types
ZipLingo DS :-
-Delete API added.
-Paging added in GetGroups API.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/21/2020 to 02/24/2020
C# Practical implementation :-
-Sorting Data Using LINQ.
-LINQ Query Syntax.
-LINQ Queries with Methods
-Nullable Types
ZipLingo DS :-
-Delete API added.
-Paging added in GetGroups API.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/24/2020 to 02/25/2020
-Paging addition modifications in GetGroups API in ziplingo ds.
-C# mvc Practical implementation ticket #297.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/25/2020 to 02/26/2020
C# mvc Practical implementation ticket #297
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/26/2020 to 02/27/2020
-Understanding the working and functioning of ZiplingoDS project.
-MVC Practical implementation Ticket #297
-rectified testing bug from perfect crm for expense report controller.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/27/2020 to 02/28/2020
-Investigating and working on AWS Lambda expression in LotNumber project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 02/28/2020 to 03/02/2020
-Add subcategory dropdown.
-Add datetime dropdown in add expenses.
-Add Grades CSE1-5 , MG1-4 , OE1-4 , CEO1-2.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/02/2020 to 03/03/2020
perfect crm ->
-user can see all other users advance payments rectification
-expense report issue search not working
-Preparing ER report
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/03/2020 to 03/04/2020
perfect crm ->
-Prepare ER and TER reports.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/04/2020 to 03/05/2020
Perfect CRM ->
-rectifying Notifications Emails not working issue.
-ER TER report updation.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/05/2020 to 03/06/2020
- Adding batch functionality for Company controller in property scrapper project.
-Adding get company address api and set status for company details in property scrapper project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/06/2020 to 03/09/2020
-modifcations for record insertion in company controller for property scrapper project.
-modification in advance controller in perfect crm.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/09/2020 to 03/12/2020
-adding camera functionality when adding expense images in perfect crm.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/12/2020 to 03/13/2020
-UI changes as per ticket Feature #332
-Bug Fix as per QA in perfect crm
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/13/2020 to 03/17/2020
March 17, 2020
- Worked on history functionality for expense approvals in perfect crm.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/17/2020 to 03/18/2020
-working on expense report history record vanishing glitch in perefct crm.
-modifiying batch api for maintaining records of previous data in propert scrapper.
-working on expense report history records not showing glitch in perefct crm.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/18/2020 to 03/19/2020
-Working on property scrapper project for record updation issue with new data and old data.
-Adding multiple batch address search functionality in property scrapper project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
-Adding multiple batch address search functionality in property scrapper project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/19/2020 to 03/23/2020
working on multiple address search functionality in property scrapper project
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/23/2020 to 03/25/2020
March 24 2020
-new company list api creation.
March 25,2020
-new api creation for address records display and there count in webscrap.
-modification in new company list api
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/25/2020 to 03/26/2020
working on status updated functionality in set company api. 2hr working on bug report for property scrapper. 5hr
-rectification of company batch list for showing records 2hr
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
working on status updated functionality in set company api. 2hr
rectification of company batch list for showing records 2hr
working on bug report for property scrapper. 5hr
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/26/2020 to 03/27/2020
- verifying all functionality of property scrapper with batch record count functionality. 2hr
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/27/2020 to 03/30/2020
api modifications for webcrap project.
Updated by Ankur Yadav about 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/30/2020 to 03/31/2020
#creating log for add company api in property scrapper.
Updated by Ankur Yadav almost 5 years ago
Property Scrapper > 9hr
#refactoring code for GetCompanyBatchAddressData API 3hr
#Creating common functionality for handling all exception logs for company controller. 4 hr
Update :
#Creating GetBatchStatus API 2hr
Updated by Ankur Yadav almost 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 03/31/2020 to 04/01/2020
Property Scrapper 9hr
#refactoring code for GetCompanyBatchAddressData API 3hr
#Creating common functionality for handling all exception logs for company controller. 4 hr
Update :
#Creating GetBatchStatus API 2hr
Updated by Ankur Yadav almost 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 04/01/2020 to 04/02/2020
property scrapper
#Investigating and rectifying exception log updating issues in DB.
Updated by Ankur Yadav almost 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 04/02/2020 to 04/09/2020
Implementation (ticket #297) :-9hr
1. client validations
2. razor syntax
3. master layout view
4. state management
Updated by Ankur Yadav almost 5 years ago
Implementation (ticket #297) :-9hr
1. Lambda Expressions.
2. Func with Anonymous Method & Lambda Expression.
3. Partial Classes.
4. LINQ Method Syntax.
Updated by Ankur Yadav almost 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 04/09/2020 to 04/10/2020
Implementation (ticket #297) :-9hr
1. Lambda Expressions.
2. Func with Anonymous Method & Lambda Expression.
3. Partial Classes.
4. LINQ Method Syntax.
Updated by Ankur Yadav almost 5 years ago
- Start date changed from 04/10/2020 to 04/15/2020
#Practical Implementation (ticket #297)
#Basic concepts of oops.
Updated by Ankur Yadav almost 5 years ago
#Parsing Data between Controller to View.
#Action Result and Routing.
#Entity Framework.
#Scaffolding With MVC
Updated by Ankur Yadav almost 5 years ago
April 27, 2020
#Parsing Data between Controller to View.
#Action Result and Routing.
#Entity Framework.
#Scaffolding With MVC