


Training #176

Learn AI and ML from A-z machine learning course on Udemy

Added by Mahesh Saini over 5 years ago. Updated 9 months ago.

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#Watch all online videos
#Follow them with practice
#Also read the online other papers and docs from google


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

1. Random Forest Regression with practical
2.Evaluating Regression Models Performance with practical


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

1. Logistic Regression with practical
2. K-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN) with practical


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

1. Support Vector Machine (SVM) with practical
2. Kernel SVM with practical


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

1. Naive Bayes with practical
2. Decision Tree Classification with practical


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

1. Random Forest Classification with practical
2. Evaluating Classification model performance with practical


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Project Name: # Udemy (Machine Learning)
Ticket - 176
1.K-Means Clustering with practical
2. Hierarchical Clustering with practical

Total Hours:- 09.00 Hours


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Project Name: # Udemy (Machine Learning)
Ticket - 176
1. Apriori with practical
2. Eclat with practical

Total Hours:- 09.00 Hours


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Study Web Scraping Automation Tools


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Project Name: # Udemy (Machine Learning)
Ticket - 176
1. Upper Confidence


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Project Name: # Udemy (Machine Learning)
Ticket - 176
1. Thompson Sampling
2. Natural Language Processing


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Project Name: # Udemy (Machine Learning)
Ticket - 176
1. Artificial Neural Networks
> How do Neural Networks work?
> Gradient Descent
> Business Problem Description
2. Convolutional Neural Networks (4.5 Hours)
> What are convolutional neural networks?
> Convolution Operation
> Pooling
> Flattening
> Full Connection


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Project Name: # Udemy (Machine Learning)
Ticket - 176
1.Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 2-Hours
Principal Component Analysis Intuition
PCA in Python
2.Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) 2-Hours
Linear Discriminant Analysis Intuition
LDA in Python
3. Kernel PCA 2-Hours
Kernel PCA in Python
4. Model Selection 2-Hours
k-Fold Cross Validation in Python
Grid Search in Python
5. XG Boost 1-Hours


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Name: # Udemy (Machine Learning)
Ticket - 176
1. Analysing Datasets for Different algorithms methods 4-Hours
Movie Recomendation System

2. Solving questions in kagle 4- Hours
Solved questions of decision tree
random forest tree


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Name: # Udemy (Deep Learning A-Z)
Ticket - 176
1. ANN Intuition
2. Building an ANN
3. Research about algorithm (for finding company by its location)
4. Research about face recognisation using machine learning.


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Name: # Udemy (Deep Learning A-Z)
Ticket - 176
1. CNN Intuition 2-Hours
2. Building an CNN 2-Hours
3. Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the CNN 2-Hours
4. Evaluating, Improving and Tuning the ANN 2-Hours
5. RNN Intuition (Recurrent Neural network) 1-Hour


Updated by Mayank Agarwal over 5 years ago

Project Name: #Face Recogination
1. Face Recogination
2. Deep Learning (Udemy Deep Learning A-Z)
3. Data Scraping Through Beautiful Soap


Updated by Karishma Tak 9 months ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

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